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It’s now winter! Are you seeing signs such as itchy and dry scalp, hair fall, hair breakage and damage, dry hair and dandruff? Don’t worry at all, these signs are completely common during the cold season and can happen to anyone. You can easily take care of your hair with a careful routine and some hair supplements. Let us tell you how to nourish your hair during winter! 

hair fall during winter

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With the onset of winter, it is not surprising to see a lot more hair fall than is normal for you! Just as your skin health is affected by the seasons (dry skin during winter and itchiness during summer), hair fall also changes between summer and winter. The reason for excessive hair fall in winter is that the dry and cold hair outside sucks out all the moisture from your scalp, and makes it dry.

A dry scalp then leads to dry hair, which in turn results in hair breakage, hair damage and hair fall. This dry scalp also leads to persistent dandruff, which makes your head feel itchy and unhealthy! Dandruff not only causes further hair fall but damages the hair remaining on your head.

Even those with the healthiest hair face challenges in the winter! If you read this and are stressed about how to manage hair fall in winter, Team OZiva has got you covered! To get your hair to look stronger, thicker and shinier on the outside during winter, you have to nourish it from the inside with our special routine (including consuming hair vitamins and hair supplements).

Here are 5 Ways to Manage Hair Fall in Winter! 

  1. Get yourself an oil massage 

There is nothing like a good scalp massage for your hair in the winter. This helps increase the blood circulation in your scalp, which helps strengthen the hair follicles from within.

All you have to do is to warm up 2-3 teaspoons of almond oil or olive oil and massage it slowly into the scalp to help it penetrate deeper into your hair roots. For deep conditioning, you can apply the oil until the ends of your hair as well. Oil massages are not only extremely soothing, but provide your hair and scalp with the right vitamins and minerals to fight the winter chill and winds.

Regular oil massages also have the following benefits:

  • Helps maintain its natural strength and shine
  • Ensure good nourishment in your hair cuticles and follicles
  • Improves your Vitamin B12 levels naturally as Vitamin B12 promotes healthy hair growth!

You can also use oil massages to get rid of dandruff! All you have to do is to mix your oil with a small quantity of camphor and apply it to your scalp. Camphor is a natural antiseptic and helps reduce the dryness of your hair. It also prevents itchy scalp!

2. Look out for the actual causes of hair fall 

From stress to nutritional deficiencies, simple daily habits of yours can also contribute to the winter-related hair fall! You can even consult a hair specialist or dermatologist to keep your strands healthy.

Here are some of the questions you need to ask yourself to see how you are maintaining your hair during winter:

  • Are you leaving your hair open during the winter? Leaving your hair open and not tucking it into a cap or a beanie can expose your hair to the dry winds (and even snow) thus badly affecting your hair and scalp health. Tie up your hair into a loose ponytail or braid whenever you go out during winter!
  • Are you going outside with wet hair? Compared to dry hair, wet hair is much more prone to damage and breakage. If you go outside with wet hair, your hair might freeze and break! Blow dry your hair before you step out on the room temperature or cool setting!
  • Are you using hair products suitable for the winter? While you might love your favourite shampoo or conditioner, it might be only a summer shampoo. Check if the product you are using helps condition your hair and maintain scalp health for the winter!

3. Eat healthy and stay hydrated 

Unhealthy diets, along with a lack of vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients in your diet can easily result in hair fall! You need to watch out for what you are eating. Some important vitamins and minerals for hair health are:

  • Vitamin A stirs up healthy production of sebum in the scalp which helps hydrate your hair
  • Vitamin E stimulates blood circulation in your scalp to keep your hair follicles strong. Thus, it can help with hair growth and making it look shinier!
  • Vitamin B-Complex helps keep your hair healthy and strong in all kinds of weather!

A poor diet and nutritional deficiencies inhibit your body’s ability to create new hair follicles. Certain kinds of foods are very helpful for hair fall control in the winter:

  • Make sure you meet your daily protein intake. Consuming protein-rich food like pulses, quinoa, or dal can help strengthen your hair and give it volume! Get 0.8-1g of protein as per your body weight. It helps with fitness and hair care!
  • Eat fruits like bananas and apples. They serve as antioxidants for your hair and help reduce oxidative stress and damage.
  • Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water in a day! Staying hydrated from within also helps keep your hair hydrated. This prevents split ends and brittle hair and helps nurtures shiny hair.

If you cannot get all the essential nutrients you need from your hair just from your diet, you can also try out OZiva Hair Vitamins or OZiva Biotin. We’ll come to that in a while!

Read More: How Much Biotin (And Hair Vitamins) Do You Need in A Day? 

4. Avoid Hot Showers in the Winter 

Avoid taking prolonged hot showers or wetting your hair with hot water for too long. Too much heat can definitely damage your hair! Instead, whenever you wash your hair, opt for lukewarm or room temperature water.

Try limiting the use of curling irons, hair dryers or hair straighteners. The less that you deal with these heat styling tools, the better off your hair will be in the winter. If you want to style your hair often in the winter, then make sure you use a heat protection spray before trying any of those devices.

This way, you look good and your hair stays healthy too!

5. Use the right kind of products as per your hair type 

You might use a plethora of hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, hair serums and hair masks. Choosing the right hair care product that really suits your hair is a critical part of your winter hair fall management routine. For example, if you are already seeing dry hair, then you have to opt for hair products that deep condition your hair.

Moisturising with a good conditioner is a great hair care step that a lot of people miss in their routine! It is the most crucial step in winters. Conditioning works magic on your hair’s outermost layer (called the cuticle) to make it look shiny. By conditioning after every wash, you strengthen your cuticles to help them become the protective shields that they were meant to be. While shopping for products, get a conditioner with ethyl alcohol as it is a good moisturising agent.

Also invest in a deep conditioning or hydrating hair mask to lock the moisture into your hair. It prevents your hair from drying out and becoming dull and lifeless. Natural homemade hair mask packs for winter hair care can give your hair hydration and a new life!

If you want to start with a homemade hair mask, mash a banana and mix it well to form a paste. Add a few drops of lemon and blend well using a blender. Apply this paste from the roots to the tips of your hair and wait for a few minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.

The Secret Ingredient – OZiva Hair Vitamins! 

These tips can help you take care of your hair from the outside. Now comes our secret ingredient that nourishes your hair from the inside! These OZiva Hair Vitamins are hair supplements are enriched with 10% pure plant extracts to nourish hair roots and strengthen hair follicles. It is India’s #1 Hair Supplement with Clinically Proven SesZenBioTM, a potent plant based ingredient. It grows over 500 hairs over 4 months in both men and women!

OZiva Hair Vitamins offers an plant based multivitamins along with Biotin for hair extracted from Sesbania Agati Plant, Iron from Curry leaves and Zinc from Guava leaves along with Vitamin E and Brahmi. These ingredients provide a multi-targeted solution for hair fall caused by various factors like nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, stress and pollution.

Excess DHT hormones in both men and women lead to shrinking of hair follicles and hair falling out. OZiva Hair Vitamins provide plant based Zinc from Guava leaves Extract that blocks these excess hormones and strengthens the hair follicles for improved hair growth. Our Clinical Trials show that it takes at least 4 months to reduce hair fall and start seeing signs of hair growth. Hence we strongly recommend regular consumption of two capsules of OZiva Hair Vitamins daily for a period of 4 months.

We are committed to providing game changing solutions that deliver drug-like efficacy with no side effects. Each product (can be made product specific) is built on the scientific mastery of pure plant extraction that is backed by clinical evidence to give sustained visible results. We deliver. Rejecting unnecessary ingredients, we stand uncompromisingly against trade-offs.

OZiva Hair Vitamins are crafted from ingredients that are derived from nature and do not contain without any harmful ingredients, making them absolutely safe for long term consumption. These supplements for hair growth and hair fall control are suited for both women and men above the age of 16 years.


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