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In case you watched Season 2 of Made in Heaven or have just been on social media and the news, you’ll see that glutathione has been trending! Everyone, everywhere seems to be taking glutathione for skin brightening, glutathione tablets, glutathione supplements – it’s called “the skin’s superhero”! But what is glutathione and how can it really help your skin? 


Glutathione is actually an amino acid produced in your cells. Glutathione levels in the body begin to decline due to a number of factors like bad nutrition, environmental factors (like harsh UV rays) and stress. Glutathione levels also start to decline naturally with age, beginning in the 20s.

Glutathione and glutathione tablets are powerful antioxidants that help in brightening the skin naturally. In order to boost your glutathione levels, you might consider taking glutathione tablets. But it’s important to choose the right one!

This article covers the benefits of glutathione and glutatihione tablets, glutathione uses and forms and glutathione side effects. Now come, let’s deep dive into this miracle skin agent! 

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Glutathione Benefits

  1. Antioxidant Defense: One of the primary benefits of glutathione is its role as a potent antioxidant. It helps neutralize harmful free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage our cells and DNA. By doing so, glutathione tablets protect our cells from oxidative stress and reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.
  2. Immune System Support: Glutathione also plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system. It enhances the activity of immune cells, such as T cells and natural killer cells, helping the body fight infections more effectively. When the immune system is functioning optimally, it can better defend the body against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
  3. Detoxification: The liver is the body’s primary detoxification organ, and glutathione is essential for its proper function. It helps in the removal of toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances from the body. Without adequate glutathione, the body’s ability to detoxify is compromised, leading to a higher risk of toxicity-related illnesses.
  4. Anti-Ageing: As an antioxidant, glutathione can help slow down the aging process. By reducing oxidative stress and protecting cells from damage, it promotes healthy skin, reduces wrinkles, and helps maintain a youthful appearance. Glutathione is also used in various skincare products for its potential benefits in improving skin health, specifically skin brightening.
  5. Neurological Health: Glutathione is vital for maintaining the health of the nervous system. It helps protect neurons from oxidative damage, making it a potential factor in preventing neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Some research suggests that glutathione supplementation may improve cognitive function and memory.
  6. Cardiovascular Health: Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death worldwide. Glutathione may help reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and promoting healthy blood vessel function. It also plays a role in regulating blood pressure and preventing the formation of blood clots.
  7. Cancer Prevention: The antioxidant properties of glutathione are associated with a reduced risk of cancer. It helps protect the DNA from damage and supports the body’s ability to repair damaged cells. Some studies suggest that glutathione supplementation may be beneficial in cancer prevention and as an adjunct therapy for cancer patients.
  8. Respiratory Health: People with respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often have lower levels of glutathione in their lungs. Supplementing with glutathione has shown promise in improving lung function and reducing inflammation in these conditions.
  9. Athletic Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts can benefit from glutathione’s ability to reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress. It may help improve endurance, reduce muscle fatigue, and support muscle recovery after intense workouts.
  10. Liver Health: Glutathione is crucial for liver health, as the liver is the primary site of glutathione production and utilization. It supports the liver in processing drugs, alcohol, and other toxins. Maintaining optimal glutathione levels can help prevent liver damage and improve liver function.
  11. Skin Health: In addition to its anti-aging effects, glutathione is known for its potential to improve skin health. It may help reduce hyperpigmentation, brighten skin, and treat conditions like melasma and age spots. Glutathione is often administered through intravenous injections or topical creams for skin brightening purposes.
  12. Glutathione Deficiency: While our bodies naturally produce glutathione, various factors can lead to its deficiency, including aging, chronic illnesses, poor diet, and exposure to toxins. In such cases, supplementation or lifestyle modifications may be necessary to ensure adequate levels of glutathione for optimal health.

Glutathione Forms

  1. Reduced Glutathione (GSH): This is the active and primary form of glutathione found in the body. It consists of three amino acids – cysteine, glutamine, and glycine – linked together by peptide bonds. GSH is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative damage by neutralizing harmful free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). It plays a crucial role in detoxification and maintaining cellular health.
  2. Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG): When GSH becomes oxidized due to its antioxidant activity, it forms GSSG. This oxidized form is less active and effective as an antioxidant but serves as an essential indicator of the body’s oxidative stress. The GSSG/GSH ratio is used to assess cellular health and the level of oxidative stress in the body.
  3. Liposomal Glutathione: This is a specialized form of glutathione that is encapsulated within lipid (fat) molecules. Liposomal glutathione has enhanced bioavailability, allowing it to be better absorbed by the body. This form is often used in supplements and can be more effective in raising glutathione levels in the bloodstream.

Common Forms

  1. Acetyl Glutathione: Acetylation of glutathione involves attaching an acetyl group to the GSH molecule. This modification improves its stability and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Acetyl glutathione is often preferred when oral supplementation is necessary, as it can survive the digestive process better than regular GSH.
  2. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC): While not glutathione itself, NAC is a precursor to glutathione. It provides the cysteine needed for the body to synthesize glutathione. NAC supplements are commonly used to support glutathione production, especially in situations where glutathione levels may be depleted, such as during illness or exposure to toxins.
  3. Glutathione Disulfide (GSSG): GSSG is the dimer of GSH, formed when two GSH molecules combine. It is an oxidative byproduct and can serve as an indicator of oxidative stress. Elevated GSSG levels can indicate increased oxidative damage in the body.

These different forms of glutathione can be found in various supplements and medications, and each may have specific applications and benefits. It’s essential to understand the specific form of glutathione being used in a product, as this can impact its absorption, effectiveness, and suitability for addressing different health concerns. The choice of the most appropriate form of glutathione supplementation depends on the individual’s needs and the intended purpose, whether it’s supporting antioxidant defenses, detoxification, or other health-related goals.

Suggested Read: Glutathione Tablets Benefits, Side Effects, Uses 

Glutathione Side Effects

Glutathione is generally considered safe and well-tolerated when used in appropriate doses. It is a naturally occurring compound in the body and plays a crucial role in various physiological processes. However, as with any supplement or medication, there can be potential side effects and considerations to keep in mind. Here are some possible side effects of glutathione:

  1. Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may be hypersensitive to glutathione, leading to allergic reactions such as itching, rash, hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue its use and seek medical attention.
  2. Gastrointestinal Distress: High doses of oral glutathione supplements or certain forms of glutathione may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, including stomach cramps, bloating, and diarrhea. This can be mitigated by adjusting the dosage or trying alternative forms of glutathione.
  3. Exacerbation of Asthma Symptoms: In some cases, intravenous administration of glutathione has been associated with the worsening of asthma symptoms. Individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions should use glutathione supplements with caution and under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

More Side Effects

  1. Interactions with Medications: Glutathione may interact with certain medications. For example, it can reduce the effectiveness of nitroglycerin, a medication used for heart conditions. If you are taking any medications, consult with a healthcare provider before using glutathione supplements.
  2. Skin Lightening Side Effects: Some individuals use glutathione for skin lightening purposes. While it is considered generally safe, there have been reports of uneven skin tone or discoloration when used inappropriately or in excessively high doses. It’s essential to use glutathione for skin lightening under the guidance of a dermatologist.
  3. Unintended Detoxification Effects: Glutathione is involved in the detoxification of the body, and excessive use or sudden, high doses can lead to rapid detoxification reactions. This may result in flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or headaches. It’s crucial to start with lower doses and gradually increase, allowing the body to adjust to detoxification processes.
  4. Possible Disruption of Natural Glutathione Production: There is concern that prolonged and excessive use of glutathione supplements may reduce the body’s natural ability to produce glutathione. However, research on this topic is ongoing, and the extent of this effect is not well understood.

It’s important to emphasize that the safety and effectiveness of glutathione supplementation can vary depending on factors such as the form, dosage, and individual health status. Before using glutathione supplements, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified medical professional, especially if you have preexisting health conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide guidance on the appropriate form and dosage of glutathione and monitor any potential side effects or interactions, that it is used safely and effectively to meet specific health goals.


If you are interested in taking glutathione tablets for skin brightening, you can try OZiva Plant Based Glutathione Builder. These 100% natural glutathione tablets help in anti-ageing and skin brightening with plant-based ingredients like Grapeseed and two special blends for the best results!

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