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All of us know how important is the role of skin color in our everyday life, especially for females. Skin color plays a socio-psychological role in our lives – darker the skin color, lower the self-esteem and self-confidence. People try various skin whitening agents and products to change their skin tone or to brighten the skin.

Nowadays, skin-whitening agents, either oral or application or IV preparations, are widely available in markets. Glutathione, is one of the skin-brightening agents most popularly used now-a-days in cosmetic industries. It is a powerful antioxidant commonly found in the human body. It helps reduce melanogenesis I.e. melanin formation. (Melanin is a pigment responsible for your skin color)

Glutathione levels tend to lessen with age due to several other factors like pollution, environmental toxins, stress, and poor diets. Hence, glutathione tablet and supplements have gained much attention in the health, beauty, and wellness sections to maintain the required levels.

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Glutathione: Benefits & Uses

Here are a few health benefits of glutathione for skin:

Fights free radicals

Glutathione is the most potent antioxidant of the body that prevents our healthy cells from oxidative damage, as too much oxidative stress may give rise to many diseases like diabetes, arthritis, cancer and a few other diseases as well.

Prevents inflammation

Glutathione is also effective in reducing inflammation that can also occurs due to oxidative stress.

Beautifies skin

Glutathione is a popular ingredient in skin-related beauty products/cosmetics. The ability of glutathione tablet to fight free radicals and protect our healthy cells makes it a boon for our skin health as it helps reduce signs of ageing, fine lines, and wrinkles and tightens our skin.

Support immune health

Glutathione for skin supports recycling Vitamins C and E in the body, which exhibit their potent antioxidant properties, protect us from infections, and support our immune health.

Side effects of Glutathione for skin

Usually, diets rich in glutathione does not cause any problems. But one must be careful while taking glutathione tablet & supplements.
Though, side effects are very rare, but when taken in high doses for long term, some of the glutathione tablet & supplements’ side effects are low zinc levels, bloating, abdominal cramps, and allergic rash. 

On the other hand, Low glutathione levels may result in weak immunity, faster ageing, liver diseases, hypertension, asthma, eye, and neurological disorders.

Now-a-days, Glutathione tablet & supplements are available in various forms, like capsules, powders, and injections. However, before opting for any glutathione tablet or supplement, it is advisable to read the ingredient list and glutathione tablet and supplement facts on the pack.

One must make sure to go for a high-quality formula that is free from additives, preservatives, sweeteners or artificial flavors. It is because many fillers can reduce the efficacy of glutathione. If you are sensitive to allergens, the product must be free from gluten, soy, and non-GMO. Opt for a certified glutathione supplement or glutathione tablet with natural ingredients.

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