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Biotin is one of the B Vitamins which helps in increased hair growth. Biotin is the Vitamin that has more focus to help improve hair growth, hair appearance and hair strength for people facing hair issues due to nutrient deficiencies It also helps provide essential nutrients to hair for their proper growth and nourishment. Foods rich in biotin for hair growth have Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial properties. These foods rich in biotin for hair growth will also help reduce dandruff-related and other scalp-related issues which will reduce damage to the hair follicle hence preventing hair fall.

Plant-based foods rich in biotin for hair growth and nail health help strengthen them, regulate blood sugar and help in improving metabolism. D-biotin, an active form of biotin found naturally, is 100 times more biologically active and a better dietary source of vitamins compared to animal-based biotin. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning your body doesn’t store it. As a result, you need to consume foods rich in biotin for hair growth regularly to maintain adequate levels.

Biotin deficiency is so rare that there isn’t enough evidence to establish a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) or Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) for it. However, the Daily Value (DV) for biotin is typically around 30 mcg per day. Although Biotin Supplements are available but they can be availed through various sources of foods rich in biotin for hair growth as well. As mentioned, Biotin deficiencies are a rare case but taking an appropriate quantity of foods rich in biotin for hair growth which we take in our day-to-day routine help maintain and improve our hair health.

Here are some Plant-Based foods rich in biotin for hair growth which will help get the daily dose of Biotin to maintain optimal health:

1. Legumes

Legumes like peas, beans, and lentils are high in protein, fiber, and numerous micronutrients. Some of the richest sources of foods rich in biotin for hair growth in this category are peanuts and soybeans. Around 1/4 cup of Peanuts contain approximately 5mcg of Biotin while 3/4 cup of soya beans contains 19.3 mcg of biotin which is 67% of daily values

2. Nuts

Nuts are one of the common foods rich in biotin for hair growth that we take in our daily routine, providing healthy unsaturated fats, protein and fiber along with vitamins and minerals. Roasted almonds are a good source of biotin, containing 1.5mcg (5% of daily requirement) in 1/4 serving while walnuts have about 19% of your daily biotin requirement. A quarter-cup-sized cup of roasted or raw walnuts contains 5.7 mcg of biotin

3. Avocados

Avocados are best known as a good source of folate and unsaturated fats, but they’re also one of the foods rich in biotin for hair growth. A medium-sized Avocado usually provides 1.85mcg. Biotin which is 6% of Daily Requirements. This can be taken raw, mashed onto toast, stirred into guacamole, and sliced to top salads, vegan taco soup, and vegan burritos

4. Spinach and Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the most highly versatile and nutritious foods rich in biotin for hair growth. There are numerous ways you can cook it and obtain its benefits. For example, you can steam it, roast it, sauté it, or have it raw in a salad, soup, vegan pasta, stir-fries, etc Taking 1 cup of broccoli provides around 0.8 mcg of Biotin while Spinach provides around 0.5 mcg of Biotin in 1/2 cup. Hence these foods rich in biotin for hair growth are a good option to include in the daily routine

5. Oats

Oats are considered one of the natural beauty foods rich in biotin for hair growth because of a handy little B vitamin. Just half cup of oats provides you with 25% of your recommended daily allowance of Biotin which is around 7.5mcg

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods rich in biotin for hair growth the planet has graciously blessed us with. Not only are they rich in Biotin, but also comprise a high content of Vitamin C, K, and potassium. Dutifully consume tomatoes as salads while having dinner or just munch on them instead of snacks.  1 cup of Biotin has 6.2mcg of Biotin which is 24% of the Daily Requirements

7. Onions

Onions have about 7.8 mcg biotin per cup, onions are one of the richest sources of vitamin B7 and thus are in the list of foods rich in biotin for hair growth. A 1 cup serving of cooked onions can meet up to 27% DV of biotin

8. Seeds

Several seeds like sunflower seeds have around 2.6mcg of Biotin ( 9% of Daily requirements in 1/4 cup ). Also, pumpkin seeds have almost 3-6mcg biotin in approx 30g of seeds, while hemp seeds have 2.7mcg Biotin in 30g of seeds . Having a mix of seeds once a day can be a good source of Biotin as they’re the foods rich in biotin for hair growth

9. Banana

This is one of the good sources of biotin in the fruit category, with about 7 mcg of biotin, hence banana is one of the good sources of foods rich in biotin for hair growth. By eating one medium banana, you can meet 10% DV of biotin

10. Sweet Potatoes

A 1-cup serving of sweet potato carries 8.6 mcg, which meets 29% of your DV. Eat boiled sweet potato to derive its goodness as they are one of the best foods rich in biotin for hair growth

Including these Plant-Based foods rich in biotin for hair growth in your daily routine will help you reduce the chance of Biotin Deficiency as well as maintain your biotin levels in the body which helps have better skin hair and overall health as well.

Taking foods rich in biotin for hair growth and plant-based supplements for better hair health along with a healthy diet helps maintain overall hair health. To get complete Biotin requirements as per the Daily Requirements for hair health besides the food intake we can also take Biotin-rich supplements like OZiva Plant Based Biotin which provides 10,000+ mcg of Biotin daily and helps maintain healthy and strong skin hair and nails and also one of the foods rich in biotin for hair growth. It is made from 100% natural and plant-based ingredients. It combines Sesbania, Bamboo Shoots, Amla, and Pomegranate.

Biotin also acts as a cofactor for an enzyme involved in protein synthesis, mainly keratin which is the structural protein in Hair, Skin and Nails. Along with foods rich in biotin for hair growth, there are several other Vitamins that are required for good hair health. Hair Vitamins is also a complete pack of nutrients for optimal hair health it provides all the required vitamins and minerals required for hair health. The product includes vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-Complex, Iron, Zinc, etc. very well known for their role in hair health. They are essential to promote hair growth and improve hair strength. Taking these foods rich in biotin for hair growth individually or as a combination helps to maintain good and maintain overall hair health.

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