What is PCOS?
If you were to ask women and men around you “What is PCOS?” you might receive responses like this (as PCOS awareness is still growing). But the truth is that Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women around the world. PCOS is a hormonal condition which causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. It usually affects women of 15 to 44 years of age.
Now this blog will explain questions you might have, such as “What causes PCOS?”, “What happens in PCOS?” and explores whether PCOS can be cured and what PCOS treatment you can try.
What Happens In PCOS
In PCOS, due to an imbalance of hormones that stimulate ovulation, the body is unable to ovulate, that is, produce a mature egg. Instead, the follicles, which contain the immature egg, grow inside of the ovaries. There are many such fluid filled sacs inside the ovaries and hence the name polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Also because of this, the masculine hormones are more in the body and causes excess facial hair and irregular menstrual cycles. This is what happens in PCOS.
What is PCOS symptoms?
The symptoms of PCOS are different for every woman, as no two women’s bodies react the same. However, here are some common things to look out for:
Irregular Menstrual Periods
Due to PCOS, periods get irregular and this might have to be helped naturally with a PCOS treatment. Sometimes periods don’t occur for two to three months. When you have PCOS, you might experience less than 9 periods in a year.
Excess Hair
People suffering from PCOS have hair growth due to excess levels of masculine hormones. Hair growth is seen on the face and other parts as well. This hair growth might be rectified if you go for a PCOS treatment.
Fertility Problems
Due to PCOS, women might experience difficulty in getting pregnant naturally. PCOS affects the body’s ability to ovulate. This can continue for a long time and you need to explore a specific PCOS treatment if pregnancy is one of your goals.
Other Symptoms
It may affect metabolic rate and lead to obesity. It can also cause darker skin patches and acne or inflammation across the face. A good PCOS treatment will also help reduce this acne.
What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown however it is related to certain genetic and environmental factors. It can also sometimes be related to your lifestyle, in which case doctors might recommend a PCOS treatment diet. However, what causes PCOS has never been conclusively proven.
Studies have found that PCOS can run in the family. If your mother or grandmother had it, you might be at the risk of encountering it too.
Insulin Resistance
Due to the body’s inability to completely break down sugar from foods (using insulin) for energy, the pancreases produce more insulin to compensate. Increases in insulin levels also trigger the ovaries to produce male hormones. This hormonal imbalance can manifest in PCOS sometimes, which is why a PCOS treatment or a PCOS treatment diet works on decreasing serum insulin levels.
Risk factors
Obesity and type 2 diabetes are certain risk factors which can cause PCOS.
Unhealthy diets can cause PCOS. Having a nutritious meal is very important, so you might need to go for a PCOS treatment diet.
Other environmental factors like sedentary lifestyle, other medical conditions, etc are what causes PCOS.
Effects Of PCOS on Our Body –
Due to PCOS, the hormone levels in our body are imbalanced. This can affect our body in numerous ways
PCOS may causes infertility as it prevents secretion of the right amount of hormones required for ovulation
Depression and Mood Swings
Due to hormonal imbalance, many women suffer from depression and mood swings
Can lead to heart diseases
Due to PCOS and obesity, blood sugar can increase, cholesterol levels increase and blood pressure also increases which can lead to a higher risk of heart diseases.
Sleep Apnea
It means pausing in breathing while sleeping at night. It disrupts sleep.
PCOS Treatment
There are many pills available which serve as a PCOS treatment and can force the body to produce the right hormones. However if you are wondering whether PCOS can be cured, there is no known cure for PCOS.
A PCOS treatment starts with a lifestyle change. Exercising, weight loss and a well balanced diet is very important.
Balanced Diet and Exercising
Having the right food along with exercising is very important. This will help you reduce weight and also leads to regular periods which will be a PCOS treatment S. A low carb high protein PCOS treatment diet is very beneficial for weight loss.
30 minutes moderate intensity exercise is needed along with a change in diet at least thrice a week.
Last modified: September 5, 2023