Omega-3 Supplements— Hype or Health?

  Nutritional deficiencies are bound to occur considering our lifestyle. Micronutrients are of special concern since we do not include all the food groups...

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Whey Protein Vs. Plant Protein: What to Choose?

Do you think whey protein is the only health supplement high in protein? Can you also rely on plant-based protein powders? If yes, how efficient are they as...

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A Guide To Promote Stronger Bones With Plant-based Nutrients

  Health is Wealth. Don’t you agree? Nothing matters if health deteriorates and diseases find a new home in your body. Hence, being healthy externally...

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All About OZiva Hair Vitamins

  Healthy hair plays a crucial role in adding that wow factor to your personality. However, with the ever-increasing pollution and stress, it has become...

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Vitamins & Minerals: Why Do I Need Them?

  Vitamins & Minerals are essential nutrients that are important for the proper functioning of the body. They play an important role in our body, and...

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5 Powerful Reasons To Switch To A Plant-Based Omega

  Omega -3 is the latest “IT” word in the wellness industry. Most people relate omega to fish oil and hence think vegetarians suffer from its...

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3 Reasons Why Omega 3 is a Must-Have in Your Daily diet

  A nutrient that has taken over the food and health market is Omega-3! From supplements to even vegetable oils, everyone wants to add a bit of Omega-3 to...

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What Is The Best Way To Take Vitamins & Minerals?

There is a lot of talk around the importance of Vitamins. Each vitamin appears to be extremely important and vital to our health. So should we consume all of...

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Vegan Omega-3: All You Need To Know

Have the words Omega-3 been splashing around your existence quite often these days? Are you concerned that your plant-based diet isn’t good enough to...

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Sources of Vitamin D

When we think of Vitamin D, the first word that automatically comes to mind is ‘sun’. As we have all read, exposure to sunlight helps in the production of...

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